Consumer Benefits

Cal Index was created to help improve healthcare in California through effectively sharing medical information between physicians, hospitals and health plans providing secure access to patient information at the point of care and to support population health. The goal of Cal INDEX is to provide timely access to relevant information that allows caregivers to keep us healthier; provide better care when we’re ill; and, reduce costs by identifying unnecessary or duplicate orders for prescriptions, images, lab tests, and other procedures.

Benefits of Cal INDEX to consumers include:

    • Health information available in emergency situations

    • Verification of medical information

    • Information follows as you move to new insurance plans, providers and communities

    • Track medications to avoid adverse drug interactions and duplicate prescriptions

    • Reduce out of pocket expenses by avoiding duplicate tests and services

Cal INDEX takes privacy and security very seriously and it’s our number one focus*. We do not collect financial information or social security numbers. Additionally, we encrypt all data at rest and during transit. For more information on  patient privacy, please visit our Privacy and Data Security page and review the Notice of Privacy Practices.

*Cal INDEX follows the guidelines from the Consumer and Patient Principles for Electronic Health Information Exchange in California.

Example of how Cal INDEX can help in an emergency situation.